Negotiations are not always easy and smooth, let alone conflict-free. A successful negotiator is not only expected to have the right strategy and arguments at hand, but also to be competent in negotiation psychology, to have an instinct for complex interrelationships and a confident, convincing performance.
In this program you will acquire extensive knowledge and tools for the correct handling of the most diverse difficult negotiation situations and behavioral patterns of negotiation partners.
At the same time you sharpen the perception of your own typical behavioral patterns in a negotiation, recognize the added value of team negotiations (but also their risks), and know how to apply specific tools and tactics in a negotiation.
A further topic is negotiation at a distance, which has gained importance especially due to the Covid-19 pandemic: How can I build up empathy with my negotiation partner despite distance, how do I deal with stress caused by the new digital medias and what are the Do's & Don’ts of digital negotiations?